26 May 2011

Life Lately.

Trying to make a hair tutorial. Just kidding, I was bored and tying my hair.
There hasn't been anything to write in this blog and I feel like I haven't written here in 10 years. I am overly jealous of people who are able to maintain a blog and be able to update it with an entry or two every week. I wish I had that much free time. Well, I have to make more time if I want to keep doing this. The thing is, life gets so busy here that I end up exhausted at the end of the day to even do the simplest house chores, let alone write in this blog. Uploading pictures takes me a lifetime. But yes, no more excuses, I will have to make time for this. I miss doing this.  

So lately I've been thinking really hard about my plans for this year and it's funny how next week is already June and half of 2011. What happened? Everything just went by so fast. I remember going to Vegas last February (my last entry) and almost 4 months have passed.  Still I feel like I'm still where I started. Planning the same things, making the same resolutions, making the same mistakes and feeling the same things. I feel like I need to grow, need to so something new. What was I doing the past 4 months??? Nothing significant.

I promised myself to travel more and try new and challenging things but I feel like I haven't done anything. It's like running in circles and I hate it. I'm going nowhere.  

I know we have all days like this and for me it's is probably because Aunt Flo's arriving anytime soon and my hormones are just everywhere.  

I just really got into thinking. Will I ever change for the better? Will I ever learn from my mistakes? What should I be doing now and why is there never enough time in a day to do the things that matter to me? 

Today I had to drag myself to write something here because it's so hard when there's really nothing much to say. But if I don't blog now, then I don't think I will every blog again. I can't keep waiting for that perfect time, that perfect reason, that perfect scenario or that right amount of excitement and inspiration. I just need to do what I need to do. 

I hate slacking off and this is one of those days when I'm so tempted to stay in bed, watch tv and not learn anything important but just trash my brain with over-exposure to American pop culture. And then later wish I wrote something interesting in this blog for me to read years and years after.  

Ah...this entry is starting to get boring. I should stop. Will promise myself to write more. There are so many beautiful things to write about, I just have to make more time. 

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